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Showing posts from 2017

Baby Farmhouse Table

I'm not sure if it's a good thing that I live an hour away from Lowes, Target and Hobby Lobby because when I get a chance to go to these stores I stock up and spend way too much money. I was wondering Lowes and found some coffee table legs and snatched them up, I really didn't know what I was going to do  with them so they sat in my garage for a few weeks. (The legs cost about $10 each.) In the mean time I decided I wanted to build a baby farmhouse table for my girls playroom. The first thing I did was build the inside frame like so... Disclaimer: I am by no means a pro at building and have never been taught, I've just watched and helped my husband build things and self taught. I'm still learning as I go. One thing I'm finding I need to add is a 2"x2" support in the middle of the frame to make it a little more sturdy. I planed some lumber down that we had in the garage and ripped down a 2"x 2" for the frame and a attached the
                                                Western Laundry/bath/mudroom remodel       My parents have always been so supportive of my siblings and I with anything we have ever wanted to do. From sports,horseshows, calf roping, my love for interior design/decorating and anything inbetween.My mom really has never cared for being in the house (she perfers the barn with her horses) and so I basically got to do what I wanted. Before I moved out and went to college I painted my room way too many times to count. My parents let me choose everything from the orange (it was a pretty orange if I do say so myself ;)) wall color to the $100 faucet, when they remodeled "the kids" bathroom about the time I was a freshman in high school..... so about 6 months ago when for the first time ever my mom actually wanted some remodeling done and had some ideas of what she wanted, I knew it would be the perfect opportunity to sort of thank her for letting me learn a lot about interior decor

DIY Shiplap

  Driving home today I was telling my husband I need to hurry home and update my blog about how I did the shiplap wall in our house. This was his response,"Why are you just giving away that info for free." Well you know why? It's because I've so appreciated people who have been willing to share FREE info with me. I'm a stay at home mom who loves to decorate and to do all things cute but I don't have a lot of extra money to spend on that stuff (and let's be honest my husbands turned me into a tight wad like him<insert cringe emoji here>. Ok back to the shiplap.........      First things first. My husband brought to my attention--very kind and jokingly---after my post about self-reliance that he did do the math to figure out how wide the strips of shiplap needed to be and how many I would need to finish the wall. So I give credit where credit is due;) like I said he is a good egg. We needed a 4x8' sheet 3/8ths" sanded plywood from Lo
DIY Blanket Ladder   I've been loving the blanket ladders so I decided to build my own. First I ripped down some boards we had in the garage to 1 1/2"x 1 1/2" by x 5' long. Then I cut 4-18" ladder rungs. I decided to fasten it all together with 2" screws. I predrilled all my screw holes so the wood wouldn't split. I don't mind the screws being visible but if you do you can always counter sink the screw holes and plug the hole with a dowel and sand it smooth.  The first rung is on a 13" center from the top of the ladder. The other 3 are on 10" centers. Then I just used some left over stain I had (dark walnut) and stained each of them. Tada just like that you have your own blanket ladders.