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DIY Blanket Ladder
I've been loving the blanket ladders so I decided to build my own. First I ripped down some boards we had in the garage to 1 1/2"x 1 1/2" by x 5' long. Then I cut 4-18" ladder rungs.

I decided to fasten it all together with 2" screws. I predrilled all my screw holes so the wood wouldn't split. I don't mind the screws being visible but if you do you can always counter sink the screw holes and plug the hole with a dowel and sand it smooth.
 The first rung is on a 13" center from the top of the ladder. The other 3 are on 10" centers.
Then I just used some left over stain I had (dark walnut) and stained each of them. Tada just like that you have your own blanket ladders.


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